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Camcorder Settings Tips

There is a bit of a trade-off here, though. It can be difficult to manufacture a high-quality zoom lens that can capture a wide-angle field of view for small sensors, and the repercussions of this meant that most zoom lenses had a wide-angle 35mm full-frame equivalent focal length of 40mm or even 50mm at the wide end. Larger sensors make better wide-angle lenses easy to design.

The new Canon and Sony camcorders feature 15x and 12x optical zoom ranges with respectable wide-angle focal lengths of With smaller sensors, relatively rudimentary contrast-based systems were usually sufficient for autofocus, because the depth of field is so large, keeping subjects in focus was not difficult.

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Now that the depth of field is smaller, Canon and Sony have incorporated phase-detection autofocus into their sensors. This technology is well known for its implementation in DSLR cameras, though not directly on the image sensor. What makes phase-detection technology superior to contrast detection is its ability to know in which direction to focus. How it does this is outside the scope of this article, but the takeaway is that phase-detection is a reliable autofocus method, even with large sensors. Phase detection enables accurate subject tracking, keeping your subject in focus, even as it moves throughout the frame.

They represent an important evolutionary step, combining the strengths of two markets once considered diametrically opposed. The Sony camcorders feature Log picture profiles, setting them up for HDR workflows, and perhaps Canon has something up its sleeve for implementing HDR in a firmware update. As always, the best is always yet to come.

Are you considering moving to a camcorder or camera system with a larger sensor? Dies ermöglicht es einfach, stabiliere Bilder über einen längeren Zeitraum aufzuzeichnen. Das integrierte Wireless-Modul des Camcorders, ermöglicht mehr Mobilität ohne das Kabel benötigt werden, für proxy-Aufzeichnungen, den Datentransfer oder Live-Streaming. Mit der Content Browser Mobil V2. XAVC-I mode: ca. XAVC-L 50 mode: ca. XAVC-L 35 mode: ca. XAVC-L 25 mode: ca. Teltec verwendet Cookies, um Ihnen ein optimales Einkaufserlebnis zu bieten. Dabei werden beispielsweise die Session-Informationen auf Ihrem Rechner gespeichert.

Wenn Sie auf der Seite surfen, stimmen Sie der Datenschutzerklärung zu. Produkt Schutz. Vollkasko Schutz. Use the lowest ISO that way you will get slower shutter speeds. Regarding white balance just set it to daylight temperature the reason people do not use auto is that it tens to neutralise all colours if you have some cool sun rays falling on rocks then it will tend to neutralise that color and getting it back in post processing can be tricky.

What ever white balance you use you will need to tweak it a bit in post processing so it does not matter what preset you use.

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I tend to use the kelvin temperature and use live view to adjust the white balance to what I am happy with or to what I feel is closest. Good sturdy tripod and mirror lockup for max sharpness when using shutter speeds like 1 sec. Bracketing is a good idea you can choose the exposure you like or blend two exposures. Use GND filters very important for landscapes because you will be shooting directly into the sun and the use of filters will help you even out the exposure. Try placing the tripod low o the ground to avoid flaring depends on what lens you are using. Manually focus I tend to do this as I use canon gear and my 5D mark 2 does have an auto focus issue so I use live view zoom in to the middle to focus manually.

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