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Wenn es gut mit dem, was ein Flug braucht, konkurriert, sollte man die Firma beachten, die den Zug fährt. Wenn Sie sich nicht sicher sind, welche Eisenbahnunternehmen in dem Land, das Sie besuchen möchten, verfügbar sind, bietet Wikipedia eine gute Liste aller Fernverkehrsdienste für jedes Land an. Dies sollte Ihnen dabei helfen, die richtige App zu finden. Sie befinden sich also in einer neuen Stadt. Wenn du nur deinen Weg wüsstest! Zu Hause haben Sie Ihre Transportroutine. Beim reisen Dinge können auseinander fallen. Sicher, wenn Sie nach Hause fahren, in eine neue Stadt fahren kann das gleiche Gefühl haben.

Wenn Sie nicht mit dem Auto unterwegs sind, kann die Navigation eines neuen öffentlichen Transportsystems entmutigend sein.

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Sie können ein Taxi nehmen, aber es erfordert auch etwas Voraussicht. Wenn Sie wissen möchten, mit welchen Apps Sie am besten wissen, wohin Sie gehen sollen — und warum — sollten Sie einen Blick auf unseren vollständigen Vergleich werfen. Natürlich funktionieren verschiedene Städte anders — hat Uber oder Lyft mehr die von Ihnen unterstützte Stadt? Was ist billiger Sind beide Optionen? Natürlich ist es auch keine schlechte Idee, beide Geräte auf dem Telefon zu behalten. Es ist eine gute Option, um Geld zu sparen, aber wegen aller Stopps ist es nicht die beste Zeit. Wenn die von Ihnen besuchte Stadt einen anständigen Publikationstransport aufweist, kann dies eine der 39 sein, die von [CityMappper ] unterstützt wird.

CityMapper ist wie Google Maps, aber speziell für den öffentlichen Verkehr, und wir meinen speziell. Es möchte, dass Sie das Gefühl haben, Sie so schnell wie möglich zu erreichen. Städte wie Paris und London verfügen über hervorragende offizielle Apps, um Ihren Zug zu finden und effizient unterwegs zu sein.

Wenn die Stadt Vogel oder Limette unterstützt, könnten Sie daran interessiert sein, sie auszuprobieren. Wir reden hier über das Speichern von Daten in einem anderen Abschnitt. Waze brukade erbjuda offline-läge men skrotade funktionen. Det är meningsfullt i viss utsträckning, eftersom appen handlar om realtidstrafikinformation.

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Bättre än, prova Ulmon CityMaps2Go app. For other countries, you may have to just trust your gut, and Apple Maps, Google Maps, and the like can help you find the stations Google Maps sometimes displays gas prices too, but not everywhere. Easy — download Google Translate. This can all happen in a real-time conversation, no need to switch back-and-forth in the app.

DuoLingo offers you a fun and interactive way to learn languages, using bright illustration, smart lessons, and an overall engaging experience to do so. Hotel plans fall through?

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  7. Forget to book a room? Look, anything can happen when traveling abroad. You book in-app, using your current location to find the cheapest yet highest-rated bookings around. Even better, Hostelworld includes a feature called "Speak the World," translating up to 37 languages without needing to leave the app.

    If you forgot to download Google Translate, this option will certainly come in handy. Yes, America insists on using the imperial system while nearly the entire world relies on metric units. Who has time to change miles to kilometers in their head? Do you know how much mL of beer is? No, of course not. Enter: your phone. For quick conversions, just ask Siri or Google Assistant. For most conversions, you should have an answer as soon as you ask. Of course, sometimes you need something with more control.

    You should feel secure using whichever app applies to your phone. Getting to your destination is just half the battle. New countries are daunting, and it can be difficult to know what the best things to do are just by winging it. Food, museums, tours, bars, hotspots, and more. Every country has its own, but it takes a local to know the best from the lame.

    Undoubtedly, the international kings of digital tour guides are TripAdvisor and Yelp. In many, many countries, these two apps can be the difference between an incredible vacation and one where you get food poisoning. Of course, there are other options than these apps for help getting around.

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    Google Maps shows Google Reviews, a highly popular platform which can be extremely helpful when trying to book dinner or an event. You can even buy tickets like you can with TripAdvisor. Before you wander into restaurants willy-nilly, think — what would the locals use?

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    What food apps does it support? These apps use true-and-tested testimonials from people who know the cities inside and out. Funny enough, it appears Ulmon makes on iOS app for all guides but makes individual apps for each city for Android. Lonely Planet has a similar app, featuring guides to over cities, all in one app on either platform. Michelin also has a Michelin Travel app that has 30, points of interest covered in about 80 countries, with reviews from professional Michelin writers and its trademark ratings for restaurants, tours, and other destinations. There are three main ways: 1.

    Stick with your local data provider and check out their international plan; 2. Get a local SIM card; or 3. Stick with Wi-Fi only. If you think carrier plans in the US are expensive and confusing, just wait until you try working with them abroad. It can be truly difficult to pick the right data plans for your travel needs. Do you think much about your SIM card? When traveling internationally, however, SIMs are a major consideration.

    Your phone is your lifeline, but your SIM is what keeps it useful. You have plenty of options when it comes to the types of SIM cards you go with for your trip. You can always wait until you get to your destination and buy a local SIM card if your phone is unlocked. Flexiroam adds a microSIM to the SIM already in your phone and allows you to purchase international data plans at your leisure. Pretty convenient. Well, that language is a bit misleading. These phones already have an eSIM embedded into the device itself.

    What you need is a service, like GigSky or Truphone that can activate that eSIM and give you access to international carriers while abroad. See this list from Apple for eSIM supporters. Well, while not the most popular feature in the US, there are plenty of Android devices that have dual-SIM capabilities. Look, data plans are expensive, even when going through alternative sources. Unlimited data is a luxury, but one that you might not really need. While free hotel Wi-Fi is the norm in the States, traveling abroad is another story. Depending on the country and the hotel selection, Wi-Fi might be charged by the hour or day.

    Why not take a page from many hotels in the US, where the free Wi-Fi is awful, but with better speeds locked behind a paywall? Ah, background data refresh. As a retail tech employee, one of my most-asked questions was about this confusing setting. While you can pick and choose the apps to disable Background App Refresh for, we recommend tapping "Background App Refresh" up top and setting it to "Wi-Fi" or "Off," especially when traveling.

    Other Android phones may be slightly different. Like the above settings, Fetch attempts to pull data for certain apps in the background. Fetch differs slightly, however, as it involves apps that pull data from a server at regular intervals, like email or calendar apps. First of all, ensure "Push" is disabled. That will block these services from getting new data as soon as it becomes available.

    Once you do, move down to "Fetch. There could also be an "Auto sync data" or "Automatically sync data" toggle. If you turn that off, fetch will no longer be an issue.